Hey there, icastGo users! Summer's in full swing, and we've got a sizzling update for you. Dive into our latest enhancements, fresh features, and a handful of bug fixes to make your experience even more seamless.
New: Disclaimers on login, audio feed previews
Improved: Chat history, tool tips, performance, and more
Fixed: Video archive and webcast reset bugs
What's New!
Audio Preview: This one is for the pros that know RTMP. Now you can preview audio feeds before and during your shows. For more information on what is a RTMP, check out this article under the heading Advanced features.
Login Disclaimers: Added disclaimers and privacy policy links on the login screen for GDPR and Law 25 compliance
What's Improved
Private Chat History: You can now keep your private chat history within Event-side meeting chats. Keep track of those engaging conversations!
Control Room Quick Tour: New users, rejoice! The Control Room now features a handy Quick Tour.
Webp upload: You can now upload .webp images for your layouts.
Tool Tips: Optimized tool tip behavior on the QR icon.
Live Streaming Prompts: Added prompts for RTMP feed selection before going live.
Performance Boost: Log in faster, get going quicker!
What's Fixed
Video Archive Overlaps: Fixed end-loop video overlaps in archives. You didn’t notice because we got to it first.
Video Archive Reset: Your previous video archive now updates correctly when resetting a webcast.
Reset Webcast Bug: Fixed an annoying bug where resetting a webcast didn’t work as expected.
That’s it for now! Got ideas or feedback? We’re all ears at Submit a request – icastGo User Help Center. Your input helps us make icastGo even better!