The latest icastGo production release includes improvement with the application accessibility (based on Canada Accessibility Act which is aligned with European standards), new layouts and many more...
- [ICG-1018] VMR▸ Option to enable/disable chat
- [ICG-1058] DASHBOARD▸ Activities list can be ordered by column header
- [ICG-1073] DASHBOARD▸ Fix translation typo
- [ICG-1083] VMR▸Operator can also raise their hand
- [ICG-1096] WEBCAST▸ Accessibility : Webcast play/pause button
- [ICG-1097] WEBCAST▸ Accessibility : Highlighted elements aligned
- [ICG-1098] WEBCAST▸ Accessibility : Top right icons labels detected
- [ICG-1099] WEBCAST▸ Accessibility : List of speakers can be navigated
- [ICG-1100] WEBCAST▸ Accessbility : Main resources button navigable
- [ICG-1102] WEBCAST▸ Accessibility : Right screen expand button accessible
- [ICG-1103] VMR▸Number of participants limit visible in operator interface
- [ICG-1104] DASHBOARD▸ "Created by" list order
- [ICG-1107] VMR▸ Moveable and resizeable "shared screen" and "self-view" preview windows
- [ICG-1112] VMR▸ Disconnect all warning message
- [ICG-1116] DASHBOARD▸"Creation date" list order
- [ICG-1118] WEBCAST▸ Description is visible in the webcast waiting room
- [ICG-1120] WEBCAST▸ Improve message description in waiting room
- [ICG-1122] VMR▸ Enlarge preview image in waiting room
- [ICG-1124] VMR▸ Set higher quality by default for all VMR (2500 kbps)
- [ICG-1126] VMR▸ Added 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 layouts
- [ICG-1129] DASHBOARD▸ Allow files up to 5 GB in file management
- [ICG-1169] GLOBAL▸ UI improvement (e.g. buttons uniformity and size)
- [ICG-1180] VMR▸ Can change the ending time of meeting
- [ICG-1191] VMR▸ Can change the beginning date of meeting
- [ICG-1193] VMR▸ Can Change the name of a started meeting
- [ICG-1194] VMR▸ Raise default VMR participant limit to 50
- [ICG-1204] VMR▸ Disconnect individual warning message
- [ICG-1031] WEBCAST▸ Fix wrong event time when added to calendar from email link
- [ICG-1035] VMR▸ Selfview window glitch when no camera is selected
- [ICG-1047] VMR▸ Each VMR do have unique names now (backend)
- [ICG-1049] DASHBOARD▸ No more Error when saving a meeting from the display tab
- [ICG-1055] DASHBOARD▸ Display unlimited duration meetings in calendar view
- [ICG-1059] DASHBOARD▸ Producer and speakers don't see anymore the activities they don't belong to
- [ICG-1092] VMR▸ Fix screen ratio scrollbar flashing issue
- [ICG-1114] DASHBOARD▸ Show the good organization name when editing an activity
- [ICG-1127] GLOBAL▸ Should be able to select None when the main camera is used elsewhere else
- [ICG-1130] VMR▸ Video is no more freezing when none is selected as a camera
- [ICG-1131] VMR▸ Now always show the name of people discussing in chat until it's the same person
- [ICG-1132] VMR▸ Setting devices preview should be the currently used device
- [ICG-1135] VMR▸ Chat toggle in organizer dashboard fix
- [ICG-1137] VMR▸ Share screen preview window minimize icon now always visible
- [ICG-1145] WEBCAST▸ Can now delete the complete list of speakers from the webcast dashboard
- [ICG-1170] WEBCAST▸ Webcast right zone now properly aligned
- [ICG-1171] WEBCAST▸ Right scrolling bar browser window ratio flickering issue
- [ICG-1172] WEBCAST▸ Current slide presentation updated for new newcomer
- [ICG-1193] VMR▸ Chat text input no more cropped
- [ICG-1196] VMR▸ Operator pin in dashboard now working properly