- [ICG-1645] Description markdown tags for text customisation
- []ICG-2481] Smurl's control performance beyond a certain number of slides part II.
- [ICG-2554] Exhibitors section title change
- [ICG-2555] Improve event status filtering
- [ICG-2571] Webcast scheduling flexibility
- [ICG-2586] Ensure consistent exhibitor photo aspect ratio
- [ICG-2594] Force screen sharing turn off
- [ICG-2602] Improve event branding tab responsiveness
- [ICG-2603] Improve global search functionality
- [ICG-2604] Instant access for newly assigned organizers
- [ICG-2626] Notifications menu inaccessible as SuperAdmin
- [ICG-2536] "Your sessions" and "Analytic" search bar dropdown translations
- [ICG-2584] Enhance form readability and usability
- [ICG-2596] French translation for "limit"
- [ICG-2527] Fix self-serve registration
- [ICG-2629] Unable to edit a virtual table or webcast activity