- [ICG-2333] Law 25: Cookies Policy Compliance
- [ICG-2234] Participant Badge - Create Badge + Generate QR Code
- [ICG-2275] Enforce organization limits/restrictions when billing period expires
- [ICG-2293] Allow admins to update organization settings even if billing period expired
- [ICG-2343] Question wall doesn't display questions
- [ICG-2356] Invitation tab should match event dates
- [ICG-2365] Remove Event schedule tab frontend option
- [ICG-1740] Improve mobile buttons layout for event activities edit page
- [ICG-2158] Super admin sort list by organizations or status
- [ICG-2222] Registration confirmation email message
- [ICG-2349] Sessions list ignores query params
- [ICG-2042] Default language mandatory inscription field
- [ICG-2350] Description of Event does not appear in the presentation page
- [ICG-2374] Event tabs non responsive on mobile