. I want to check if the image sent by a speaker is meeting my expectations.
How to?
- Check that your system (on witch you want to check) meet the speakers connections requirements
- If it's not the case you could, for example, use an open network (guest Wifi, LTE, ...)
- Dial-in to the virtual meeting room "No audio/video"
- Once you are connected:
- Switch the speaker to Spotlight mode
(To make sure that this speaker will be the only one to be webcasted, and the other are muted)
- Check the image from the speaker
- It is possible that the speakers receive (before live) this type of image:
This means that the assistant (you) does not send any image. Anyway this will not be webcasted as long as a speaker is connected.
- Switch the speaker to Spotlight mode
Why icastGo doesn't display a video stream from the virtual meeting room for all dial-in methods?
The system considers that video sending and receiving is managed by the videoconference unit. So it is considered useless when a speaker dial-in through a videoconference unit or Skype for Business or Microsoft Teams meeting.