icastGo allows for different ways for viewers to watch a webcast, depending on the needs of the organization.
A webcast can be watched with:
- Both the speaker's video and their presentation;
- With only the speakers visible;
- With only the presentation visible.
These settings can be changed at any point throughout a live webcast, for a more dynamic viewing experience.
The buttons to change the layouts can be found inside of the control room, at the top right of your screen, and is only accessible for speakers set as producers, and organizers.
Once a new layout is clicked on, a warning message will appear to approve of the changes before applying them. |
Video and Slides/Polls
Upon entering the control room, you will notice by default the layout for viewers is set to show both slides and video. This is set whether there are speakers connected with their camera's open, or slides uploaded. This layout allows for viewers to be able to see both the speakers presenting as well as watch the slides that follow the presentation.
Note: If there are no slides in your presentation you may choose to leave the layout mode on the default Video and Slide/Polls, this won't change things for the viewers as they will still only be able see the speakers video as if the layout was in full video mode. However, if slides are uploaded during the live webcast, icastGo will automatically show them to the participants once it has finished uploading. |
When manually switching to Video and Slide/Polls you will be prompted to re-confirm the switch before it is applied. The message will look like the following, and you have just to click ''Accept'' for your webcast's interface to be changed.
Video Only
The Video Only layout can be applied either at the start of the webcast or at any point during. This setting makes it so that on the viewers interface they will only be able to see the speakers presenting and videos played, and not the slides/polls whether there are any or not. These are some of the many reasons behind choosing this layout:
During a webcast:
the Video Only layout can be chosen when a video is being played to have the focus be solely on that, and then switched back to Video and Slides/Polls or Slides/Polls only for a more dynamic viewing experience.
Confidentiality and Internal Use of Slides:
Certain slides may be reserved for internal use and not intended for public viewing. Producers and organizers can upload these slides, such as guides or speech notes, for the control room only. By selecting the "video only" layout, these slides remain visible only to the control room until you decide to switch back to the "video and slides/polls" layout, ensuring a smooth and secure presentation.
When manually switching to Video Only you will be prompted to re-confirm the switch before it is applied. The message will look like the following, and you have just to click Accept for your webcast's interface to be changed.
Slides/Polls Only
The Slides/Polls only layout makes it so that on the viewers interface they are only able to see the Slides/Polls while still being able to hear the speakers give their presentation. These are some of the reasons behind choosing this layout:
Focus on the Presentation:
Speakers may want the audience's attention to be entirely directed towards the presentation. -
Highlighting a Poll:
When publishing a poll during the broadcast, this layout allows the poll content to be emphasized. -
Camera Off for a Speaker:
A speaker may prefer to keep their camera off while participating in the broadcast.
While the layout is on this mode, speakers can feel free to have their camera open in the control room for more dynamic exchanges amongst themselves, as icastGo will not send their video onto the viewer's interface, only their sound.
Note: If a video is played during this layout, the viewers will be able to hear it but will not be able to see it. Consider switching to Video Only, or Video and Slides/Polls for this portion if you wish for its contents to be visible. |
When manually switching to Slides/Polls Only you will be prompted to re-confirm the switch before it is applied. The message will look like the following, and you have to click Accept for your webcast's interface to be changed.
Dynamic Layout
Both the presentation slide and video windows are responsive, giving participants the flexibility to focus on what matters most, whether during the live presentation or in the archived version.
To adjust the size of the windows, move your cursor to the middle divider until it turns into an arrow and highlights the bar. Then, click and hold the left mouse button, dragging the cursor left or right to resize both windows horizontally. This allows participants to customize their viewing experience according to their preferences.
When a polling activity takes place, the presentation window splits into three sections, maintaining the same dynamic flexibility for participants to resize the windows as they see fit. For more details, refer to our article on Viewer Voting.