Adding Speakers in Dashboard
On the side bar, notice the Speakers tab. From here, speakers can be added by clicking the Add button which is located at the upper right corner, and inserting their email address which will then prompt you to create a speaker profile.
Note: The pop-up will ask you to fill out the speaker's information, but only the email and name is necessary.
This speaker profile is then saved within the organization and will allow for easier future access when adding said speaker to webcasts.
Note: A confirmation email will be sent to the speaker to finish setting up their profile.
- Speaker profiles can be edited and/or removed by clicking on the icons located to the right of the speaker's information on this list.
- As an organizer, you can adjust the information related to the title and company associated with the speaker.
Adding Speakers in Webcasts
When in the initial Webcast Create wizard, notice the Speakers section.
Creating Profiles for New Speakers
To add a new speaker, click the Add Speaker icon found in the highlighted area above, insert their email, and click Save.
Pressing Save, will then prompt you to create a profile for said speaker. Saving their information and providing you with easy access for adding them to future events.
Note: A confirmation email will be sent to the speaker to finish setting up their profile.
Adding Speakers with Existing Profiles
To add a speaker who's profile has already been made and saved, simply click on the search bar and select the speaker from the list shown.
- A Speaker profile can be removed by clicking on the icon located to the right of the speaker's name.
- To make edits to the profile, visit the Speaker's tab on the sidebar and click on the
button located to the right of the speaker's name.
Managing Speaker Options in Webcasts Settings
In the list of speakers, there are two options to manage permissions, and webcast visibility for participants.
- In the control room, producers and organizers have more permissions than speakers. Speakers can push slides, view moderated questions, and see published polls but cannot manipulate video layout or push videos. By default, only organizers and producers can edit the webcast in the dashboard and manage live status, speakers, videos, questions, and polling. Enabling Producer access grants the same permissions to selected speakers. If no speaker is set as a Producer, an organizer manages the webcast from the control room.
Clicking on this icon, will hide the Speaker's name from the Speaker's list on the viewer's interface during the webcast. Example: Speaker is making a surprise appearance.
Clicking on this icon, will re-send a speaker invitation. This option won't appear in the create wizard since invitations are automatically sent, but will appear when making edits after the webcast has been made.
Managing Speaker Options in Control Room
Upon entering the control room, a producer and organizer can manage a speakers microphone, name, video layout, and connection.
Next to the microphone icon, it is possible to edit a speaker's name. These changes will be shown on the viewers web interface, in the speakers list. Speaker's can choose to change their own name, but do not have the permissions to change other speaker's names.
At the top of the speakers tab, it is possible to disconnect all speakers. Only producers and organizers have access to this option.
- Producer's and Organizer's can mute and unmute speakers as necessary. (Example: If either they forgot to mute themselves and are making noise, or they started their presentation but forgot to unmute.)
Note: The view you see above is as a third party with your camera off. For the speakers view they will only see the other speaker on screen with them, their camera feed staying in the upper right as optional to have on display for themselves or not.
Layout Changes
At the bottom of the video player, you'll notice four icons representing the speaker layout. As the producer/organizer, only you can control these options.
To further personalize the participant experience, we've added a few display options. Here are the display formats available:
1:0 - This is the default setting, ideal when you only want one speaker on screen. By selecting the solo speaker icon, the webcast switches to active speaker mode, where anyone with their microphone open and speaking will be sent to the live program. (For this reason, it's very important to ensure that non-speaker individuals keep their microphones switched off in this mode). To ensure that a speaker remains on screen during this active speaker mode, click on the star that will appear to the left of their microphone icon, and click on it again to remove them from the scene.
4:0 - This option is perfect when you want to display 2 to 4 speakers. It ensures a balanced screen layout.
1:33 - Use this format when a large number of speakers are present, and an individual layout is required. The speaker will be displayed in a larger format, and up to 33 other speakers will be displayed around them.
Auto - Is the last button to the right which is an Adaptive Composition. It cleverly displays a number of speakers, guaranteeing the best possible speaker visibility.